Monday, May 25, 2009

No Boundaries

Here are 'No Boundaries' of

Kris Allen's Version


Adam Lambert's Version

There's no doubt that Adam did way better than Kris. I love both of the versions. <3 this song. Okay. end of the American Idol fever. If i were to continue writing posts about it, My blog is ain't Christine's blog anymore. It'll be American Idol blog. LOL. I'm longing for their albums to release. Hope it'll be very soon, real soon. ^^V
Alright, That's all for now (cause it'll be starting all over again january next year). ENJOY!

Here is the Lyric

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment last forever
If you feel you've lost your way
What if your chances are already gone
Started believing that i could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away

Coz here i am still holdin on

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
To get to that one thing

When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

Stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where's the future's heading
Nothing gonna bring me down
I jumped every bridge
I risked being safe but
I always arise
I always arise

So here i am still holding on

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe

You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricae
To get to that one thing

When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule coz there's nothing between you and your dreams

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
Yeah There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricane
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Good and A Bad News

I've a GOOD NEWS to share

I just wanna say it loud that...............

KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3 KRIS won <3

And the BAD NEWS is Adam Lambert lost.
Nah Not that,
The Real BAD NEWS is............
I've been moody the whole day. And its a rainy day.
Tomorrow is my Biology test.
But all I do is.. Hiding myself and crying in my room.
I clearly see who's the TRUE friend now.
I've noone to blame. For sure.
I still wanna say that.

KRIS ALLEN won <3 <3

Friday, May 15, 2009

War Driods

Game description: In this strategy battle game you have to build and command War Droids but also have to shoot the enemies by yourself in order to defend the base.

Game controls:
Use Mouse and arrow keys to interact.

This is a mini strategy which I found in a website. I found it quite interesting and wanna share it with u guys. Try it OUT. U might get addicted. xD

War Droids

Click here to play this game

and u can leave ur Game Scores after playing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Danny Gokey , Kris Allen or Adam Lambert?

Right, I've been a BIG American Idol fans since season 4 and this is BY FAR the most talented OF ALL. I've never been so excited watching the result shows as the results, normally or mostly, predictable.
But this year, Who's will be in the FINALIST for American Idol season 8? Will it be Danny Gokey, Kris Allen OR Adam Lambert?
OMG! OMG! I cant wait for the results although I'm in the midst of AS examination and I should be studying now.BUT I'm I sure that those who have been tracking American Idol from the very beginning of the year are DESPERATE to know the result.

So, here are the Top 3

Lets talk about the review of tonight performances:

Danny Gokey

Judges' Choice ''Dance Lil Sister by Terence Trent D'Arby R'andy really liked it. However, Kara didn't like the dancing and doesn't think she'll remember the performance tomorrow. Paula loved the dancing and the song. Simon insults So You Think You Can Dance, then says Danny's dancing was "desperate." He also didn't like the sax solo and thought it wasn't a good song choice.

Danny's Choice ''You're So Beautiful by Joe Cocker'': Randy loved it, Kara called it stunning, and Paula rambles her praise. Simon loves the song, though he didn't love the arrangement. However, he ends by calling it a "vocal master class." I'm annoyed by Gokey's beard.

Kris Allen

Judges' Choice "Apologise by One Republic'': Randy really liked it, because it showed who he could be in the future. Kara called it competent, but it wasn't a home run. Simon then makes it about him, and then calls Kara out for criticizing her own choice. Kara yells back. They really don't like each other, I don't think. Also, Simon barely said anything about Kris's performance. The judges are a freaking mess tonight.

Kris's Choice'' Heartless by Kanye West'': Randy loved it, says it was better than the original. Kara thought it was incredible, perfect. Paula takes a dig at Simon, stupidly, and says this is what keeps him relevant. Simon loved it, too.
(P/S: Omg.. He's so Damn Cute. and the performance reali do AMAZED me. I was stunned for 30 seconds after his performance.)

Adam Lambert

Judges' Choice ''One by U2'':Randy didn't like that Adam went off of the melody so much, but overall he really liked it. Kara loves that Adam is a "strategist." She loved it. Paula loved it too. Simon called it a brilliant song choice, which is about the most predictable joke ever. Simon says it would be absurd if Adam isn't in the finale next week.

Adam's Choice ''Cryin by Aerosmith'': Randy says that Adam is one of the best they've ever had on the stage, and implores Adam to be a rock star. "Who hits those notes?" Kara asks. Paula makes a bizarre comment about frequent flyer miles that I don't particularly understand. Simon makes it clear to the voters that they cannot just assume Adam will breeze into the finals, and they need to vote for Adam.


Danny Danny, I've been supporting him since the beginning of the show and I was CRAZY about him . But, for the past several weeks, I started to lose my faith on him. WHY? He don't take chances by giving surprises and I was terrified after watching the HORROR scream he did last week. However, I really do like his solid performances. AND he reali can sing! I LOVE his vocals. With the right song, you'll be blown away hearing him sing.

KRIS? I've fell in love with him in the FIRST SIGHT. Initially, his performances were safe and stable, or maybe forgettable. BUT, for these few weeks, He really showed the talent in HIM.
OMG, i love him so much (By the way, I see him everyday I woke up from sleep.*my desktop backgroud* HAHA, He has brightened up my days.) His songs are SO original and he has his own style.

Adam Lambert, no doubt that he has been showing his ability of how well he can sing and the highest note he can hit which probably cant be done by Anyone. The judges have been emphasising the range of his voice and how talented he is. He makes his every song ADAM's song everyweek.But, I'm really not connected to him. I repeat, to HIM, not his performances. (I've to said that. LOL, i've been fighting with ALEX and JANICE over him. Both of them are BIG fans of ADAM!)

I'm being neutral for now. I've no favourite. and I LOVE THEM ALL!


*Sorry Danny. Kris and Adam will be in the FINAL.* xD

Thursday, May 7, 2009


王力宏 MUSIC MAN 大马演唱会

可是 本小姐还蛮喜欢他的才华的 演唱会更加不能错过啦
他的首首经典名曲 实在是让人听出耳油 曲曲都是朗朗上口的
再加上他的帅气 魅力 弹钢琴是所散发的气质 陶醉ing
试问, 这世上有那个女孩是不被他所深深吸引的 *


这是偶尔相遇的朋友 ~我不知道他叫什么名捏 排写啦~~~
(P/S: 她只有16岁 ~~~我问他读什么college, T-T 难耐)

你们看~力宏的歌迷 真是多到够够力~
来自世界各地的歌迷都聚集在这里 新加坡,泰国,菲力宾,日本,澳洲
一人吐一口口水 就把马来西亚淹没了
o(∩_∩)o...哈哈, 是夸张料一点啦。


当时我目光专注在大萤幕上~ 怎么有这么像的人啊!还是四个这么帅的力宏。。晕啊~~看得目瞪口呆~

王力宏大秀才华,不但开场呈现了最棒的吉他演绎,用了价值7万零吉,来自爱尔兰的“巴哈姆特”所精心制作独一无二的龙形电吉他,此外他还打鼓、弹钢琴、还拉小提琴,当场演奏了一首名曲 Once Upon The Time, 更大秀Bee Box口技。当时我的情绪沦陷,高潮啊!!简直就无法形容, 我是不是在做梦,快点捏我脸一下 快点! 被他迷死了啦~~~

全场的歌迷一起唱生日歌 震撼~!
如果是我的话 我今生无憾了 o(V.V)o

这场演唱会毫无冷场 足足让我high了约 2小时半
演唱的曲目: 摇滚怎么了, W-H-Y,花田错,龙的传人,心跳,forever love, 爱的鼓励,大城小爱, Can You Feel My Love, 心中的日月,盖世英雄,爱得得体,落叶归根,一首简单的歌,流泪手心,竹林深处,你不在,唯一,改变自己,女朋友,爱的鼓励,安全感,第一个清晨,我完全没有理由理你,在梅边,放开你的心, 爱你等于爱自己
尤其是最后一首的 KISS GOODBYE 28首新旧金曲让现场歌迷折服 让演唱会画上了完美的句点。
王力宏 我爱你!


这首歌 好听!

歌手:黄丽玲 (aLin) 专辑:失恋无罪
作词:aLin 作曲:陈忠义




ei tho a cu na ca ba hai nu lu ma
gi ma cu fang tha nar nar cu lu ma



梦想陪我一起 回家

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


怎么办 怎么办
下星期三 就考试了!

一旦慌张 就什么笨蛋错误都犯。。这是我最大的缺点
放松放松~~吸气呼气~ pheeeeeeeeewwww..呼呼(n_n)

OMG =.=''
我会暂时把你们忘记 好让我有更多的记忆塞书

加油加油! ^.^V

朋友 祝我好运

一切顺利 榜上题名

*欢迎 YQ and AH LOKE 来到我们的KY屋*
