Monday, July 6, 2009

Eason Live Band Performances

I went for Eason live band performances in conjuction with the release of his latest album H3M @ TARC last Friday and it was rather awesome. Together with a crowd of few thousands FANS. I enjoyed his singing so much. He sang 4 songs that night and I wish for more!

The show starts at 8.30pm and I reached college at about 8.15pm. I thought I was early at the first place.But i was shocked seeing that the queue was unbelievably looooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnngggggg. I meet up Addy there and hoping to see someone whom i know desperately so that i don't have to queue up for so loongggggggggggggggggggggg and end up seeing nothing. Finally, I've met up with a friend of Chean and I manage escape from the long queue. Phewww. What a release! I was standing on the Second Row and I was able to see him clearly. Close up! Lucky me <3>

Eason singing on stage with heart touching voice. GOSH!

DJ's of MY FM with Eason

ME with Eason's latest Album, H3M

Me and my bestie, Addy

Hong Kong singing sensation Eason Chan is looking forward to a “wild night” of wet fun at his concert. Eason Moving On Stage Concert will be held on 16 Aug 2009. He's hoping that everyone can attend with BEACH WEAR. Fun huh?

For those who are interested, do visit

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