Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Second Time

Today I went to KLCC for TRANSFORMERS 2
with my lovely classmates for the SECOND time.
But still, The movie is really great! Love it! xoxo

Weiyang, YQ and Alex

Me & Alex

Abby and YQ

Joseph & Alex

OMG! This is ONE of the best movies which I've ever watched!
I'm considering to watch for the 3rd or even 4th time!

*Sizzling Hot* Megan Fox

Bumble Bee

We were talking about some lame jokes in the class today. LOL, please put on your jacket before reading this.

Here are the questions:
1.What is the name of Transformers parents?
2.What is the name of Transformers sister?

Answer:1. Transparent 2. Transistor

OKAY. I know its LAME. I've warned U. Hahahaha!


Baldwin said...

omg!!! it's soooooooo lame...haha..

but good one.. lolxxx

Tin3tiNe said...

YESH its veeryyy lameee indeed. xD
I've more to tell.. haha